Saturday, February 26, 2011


So, about 2 weeks ago I was at my parent's house for the weekend and my dad made some sourdough bread using his traditional starter that's lived in the fridge, used off and on for the past eternity... He made some pretty delicious bread, but usually when he makes something, I think to myself, "I wonder if I could make that better?" So here's my attempt at doing that with bread.

I started the week out with the goo that would eventually become my starter - 100g flour (both rye and white) and 100g water. After a few days of patiently waiting and feeding the starter, it became a bubbly bowl of sour smelling goo - perfect! So now it was finally time to start the bread-making process.

Monday, February 14, 2011

It's a first

Well, this is a first of many things - my first time trying a blog, the first post of that blog, my first time living alone (granted that's been going on for months...), among other things. Seeing as I'm well known as the type of person who starts something, only to give it up out of boredom very shortly after, we'll see how long this actually lasts...

Tonight was an interesting night for me. I, as usual, was hanging out alone for Valentines Day (I know, I know, woe is me...) and decided to do something about my immense boredom. The normal thing to do in such a situation is obviously to cook something. What's that you say? Cooking something when bored isn't normal? Well, then clearly you haven't been introduced to my version of normal... So what did I choose to make to cheer myself up and waste away the night? Chicken, of course.